Thursday, July 15, 2010

Life will never give you a second chance..Think about it.....

As the tittle of my blog says Educated Illiterate i really like to dedicate this article to those who can read and understand common things but don't know why they are very much uncomfortable while following it. Life is a precious gift for everyone and living a life without any disability itself is a beautiful gift. Whenever i see a disabled person struggling hard for his life i close my eyes for a while and say to my lord please  bless him with courage and take away his pains so that he can find his happiness in his struggling life and  thanks to my lord for blessing me with such a happy life.At this point of time i really wonder how can a person be so selfish that without thinking of any uncertainty he drives his car/bike so fast. Honestly friends till today morning even i was like those selfish people but after watching a video  that shows how a persons carelessness can change many life i really broke down. Today while going to college i observed many people  who really don't care about themselves and at the same time about others. I don't know why but i really felt guilty. I really want to share that video with all those who drives without their senses. What i learned today is "Life wont  give you another chance" , and trust me living a life with a guilt is not an easy job.So please think again when you feel like doing a crazy stunt it can kill a whole family and their happiness.