Thursday, July 1, 2010

India a country of Cultures and blind faiths

I am neither a politician nor a Big shot, m just acommon Indian, who every day starts his journey to see a new face of India. Yes its true that our country is changing as our climate is changing because of Global warming. we say we are staying in a democratic country were every citizen is allowed to say and express what he feels. But do you really feel its same as before?? I dont think so. No one thinks like that, expressing your feeling in a group of 5 people is not democracy, a person should have the right to say in front of any one what he feels until unless his feelings are genuine is democracy. I still remember last day of my internship in Kolkata when i was on the way to my office to submit my report. The day i will never forget, because that was the first time i have seen new India face to face. I completed my project with the happiness that i will get my letter as soon as i will submit my report, with the same happiness i started my journey toward my office which is at Rabindra Sadan and hired a cab.My office was 18km from my stop so hiring a BPO cab was the cheapest affair. After covering 2-3km i found that whole highway was blocked, a cop told me that some people have blocked the highway and he was not aware about the reason why they did that he was simply clueless and was doing his duty by blocking the other end of highway, after waiting for 20 minutes i decided to take a walk. While walking i though i can take an auto from the other end of the highway, after walking few km i found that next link to the highway was also blocked and the cops were standing aside doing nothing. I said Ok lets walk little more hoping that i will get something from the next stop, that hope was the only thing that was making me moving throughout the journey. Suddenly a car tried to jump the signal and i dont know from where 5-6 small children came and stopped the car i was totally surprised with that view, those small children were holing stones and stick in their hand and i guess they were trained enough to threaten the driver, they jumped on the car and start banging it badly and warn the driver to take a reverse gear and the moment driver tried to ignore them few more guy rushed towards the car and those guys were not kids they were Big guys with heavy instrument in their hands which could have given good damage to the car and at the same time to the driver also. Driver tried to negotiate but he wasted his time. The whole highway was blocked with big stones and logs many people were standing on the road to maintain the flow of roadblock. Still i was clueless about the whole scenario, as i proceed further i found many old aged guys were shouting in front of the Police Station and the policemen were standing idle as if they were enjoying it or the other good reason can be they were use too to this drama. Whatever ignoring all these things i decided to walk further, i was on the half way to my office and by observing the scenario i understood that i am not going to get any cab or auto for my office so i started walking bit faster as i was already late by 2 hrs. Suddenly whole crowed started rushing towards the another main junction PARK CIRCLE and they blocked the whole junction by barriers printed as KOLKATA POLICE, yes it was the same barriers which KP use to control the flow of traffic but this time someone else were using those barriers and still cops were standing idle no action no negotiation, they allowed those people to do what they want without thinking about the school bus in which LKG kids were going, one 108 ambulance stucked in the traffic, many office going old faces struggling with hot whether, college going girls feeling unsafe, Few guys got late for their interviews and people like me who thought this day will be the big day for them was badly kicked. I took a hault and my eagerness to know what actually happened was at peak so i went to a cop to know what big happened which created this whole drama and finally i came to know what took place last night which ignited the whole crowed of that area. I was wordless with a big question mark on my face i started my journey as i had already covered 14km and was about to reach my office so i started avoiding the surrounding, rest 2km i was in a deep confusion, Cop told me that today early morning around 2am somehow one of the gate of a religious place got broken and nobody knows how it happened so to know what actually happened to that gate these people have done all these drama. Can anyone image just for the old rusted gate they did that?
Next day in the news i came to know that whole drama went for 5hr and whole eastern kolkata roads were blocked for around 6-7hrs.
100's of people dies in terrorist attacks, our new ministers say naxalites are the new face of terrorism, in an recent survey it was found that India is one of the most corrupted nation but i dont know why people are still silent on these issues and prefer to fight for a broken rusted Gate. This is the new face of India were terrorist attack is a common news now. Cricket is the God but none like to motivate out nation game Hockey. No one is ready to retaliate the change but everyone is trying to adjust with the change. Still we say India is a democratic country. People have the power but they dont want to use it because if they do they can loose something which in their eyes is bigger than humanity. If i have to accept this as Indian democracy so surly i will like check what our up coming generation are learning in schools about India and Indian democracy.


  1. we always knew that alok, always potential. he is a kind of person when is around you cannot afford to worry. he is fun loving dude. but i never knew he also thinks so deep. 3 cheers dude to your blog. and buddy your writing is very fresh. i must appreciate it. your blog has forced me to think that we are educated fools...who are very selfish...we need to change and hope your blog would show us the path to change

  2. Great article. Every word has a meaning. Hope leaders can read it, but as a changemaker we would have to raise strong voice against that. People have become selfish and it is for every individual to introspect as what he is doing is for himself or for country. This mindset can only deter the confidence of individual and the evolution of new terrorism takes place. It has to be controlled.
